논문 및 학회자료

No. 제목 작성자 작성일 조회
4 In silico discovery of 5-modified 7-deoxy-7-ethynyl-4-adenosine as a potent novel HASPIN inhibitor and its synergistic anti-cancer effect with PLK1 inhibitor. 춘계대한약학회, 경주. 2023.04.20. [우수구두발표상]
Admin 23.05.03 조회 : 396
Admin 23.05.03 396
3 Population pharmacokinetics of FM101 in healthy volunteers and long-term safety prediction: phase 1 study (PAGE 2023)
Admin 23.05.12 조회 : 425
Admin 23.05.12 425
2 A3 adenosine receptor signaling regulates kupffer cell activation and NASH progression by mitochondrial dysfunction. 춘계대한약학회, 경주. 2023.04.20. [우수구두발표상]
Admin 23.05.17 조회 : 505
Admin 23.05.17 505
1 In silico 5'-Modified 7-Deoxy-7-ethynyl-4'-adenosine as a HASPIN inhibitor and its synergistic anti-cancer effect with the PLK1 inhibitor. ACS Central Science. 2023
Admin 23.05.18 조회 : 450
Admin 23.05.18 450